Podstrona: Uczestnictwo w konferencjach / Wizytówka pracownika PRz

Uczestnictwo w konferencjach

  1. The 8th Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory - Sopot, 26-30 VI 2023
    • On independent (1,1)-dominating and (1,2)-dominating sets in graph products
  2. 9th Polish Combinatorial Conference - Będlewo, 18-24 IX 2022
    • Some properties of (1,2)-dominating sets and proper (1,2)-dominating sets in graphs
  3. 9th Cracow Conference on Graph Theory - Rytro, 5-10 VI 2022
    • On minimum intersections of certain secondary dominating sets, współautorstwo
  4. The 28th Edition of the Annual 3in1 Workshop - Dosłońce, 21 - 23 XI 2019
    • Parameters of secondary domination in graphs
  5. European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications "EUROCOMB 2019" - Bratysława (Słowacja), 26 - 30 VIII 2019
  6. The 7th Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory - Gdańsk-Sobieszewo, 1 - 5 VII 2019
    • Secondary dominating sets in graphs and their modification
  7. IV Studencka Konferencja Koła Naukowego Matematyków Dyskretnych ,,Żmirłacz'' - Kraków, AGH, 30 V - 1 VI 2019
    • Bezpieczne dominowanie w grafach
  8. 27th Workshop '3IN1' - Stryszawa, 21 - 24 XI 2018
    • (1,2)-kernels in the G-join of graphs
  9. 13th International School on Theoretical Physics: Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter - Rzeszów, 10 - 15 IX 2018
  10. The 27th Workshop on Cycles and Colourings - Nowy Smokowiec (Słowacja), 2 - 7 IX 2018
    • Secondary kernels in graph products
  11. Gdańsk Summer School on Advanced Science on Algorithms for Discrete Optimization - Gdańsk, 5 - 12 VII 2018
  12. The 6th Gdańsk Workshop on Graph Theory - Gdańsk, 1 - 4 VII 2018
    • On the existence and the number of (1,2)-kernels in G-join of graphs

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